Friday, November 9, 2007

ich bin hier in Deutschland

Hi everyone, just a quick note to let everyone know I got here ok. I haven't slept since before I wrote my last post, which was about 26 hours ago. It's about 6:30 PM here now, and I'm getting ready to eat dinner and then go to bed. It's been hard trying to stay awake today, but I was determined not to let myself sleep. This resulted in me nearly falling over a couple times. I felt like the earth was undulating beneath me. Apparently my stance showed it...John said I was swaying sometimes.

Tomorrow I will probably explore stuff some more. Today was kind of consumed by just trying not to sleep.

Other stuff: I got in to Frankfurt on time and at the very end of my 8.5 hour flight, I made a new friend. Figures that I'd be on a flight that long and not talk to anyone until I was deplaning.

The guy at customs looked like he absolutely hated his job. Seriously did not smile once...or even attempt to talk to me. Whatevvvvver.

John and I took the train from the airport on into Schwetzingen. I'm amazed by two contrasting thoughts: 1) German looks like someone just messed up typing a bunch of letters and 2) I actually understand some of this mess. (but just a little)

No, I haven't eaten German food yet. I was too tired, so I ate at Taco Bell. Yeah, whatever. I have 2.5 months to eat nasty sauerkraut so get over it. time. Byeeeeeeeeeee.


CPGM said...

I'm so happy for you Sarah! Tell John hello and enjoy getting to know your new surroundings. I miss you!

Sarah said...

Thanks, Laura! I will and I miss you and 324 as well.