Thursday, November 29, 2007

a belated Thanksgiving post

John worked on Thanksgiving from 7:30 am until 7:30 am on Friday, so we postponed our celebration until Friday. We used the opportunity to cook together and coordinated dinner around the start of the UT v. A&M game, which kicked off around 9:30 pm here.

We didn't have a turkey, because that would have been pretty difficult to cook in the barracks, but we made everything else: sweet potatoes, dressing, mashed potatoes and gravy, fruit salad, rolls, green bean casserole, cranberries and pumpkin pie.

The dinner was great, and despite the outcome of the game, we had fun. Enjoy our pictures!


everyday cat said...

awww! cute pictures! I'm glad y'all got to celebrate Thanksgiving together. =) Regarding turkeys, I doubt there'd be one small enough for just 2 people... that would've been alot of turkey leftovers.

h*dizzle said...

i love how that wherever you are in the world...the day after thanksgiving always revolves around the TEXAS game =))) do they have a texas exes chapter over there...i bet they do!