The five hour drive to Garmisch brought us in when it had been dark already for about 3 hours, so we really had no idea what our surroundings looked like. All we knew is that it was cold. The thermometer in the the car read -7 degrees Celsius which is about 19 degrees Fahrenheit. Just so you know, the whole time we were there the temperature hovered between that and just below freezing. BRR.
Saturday, we were going to tour Neuschwanstein Castle, but we decided against it because the tour ran from 7:30am until 5:30pm. (That time included an hour and a half ride on a bus each way.) Instead of the tour, we decided to take it easy and enjoy Garmisch. When we woke up, we were blown away by the view from our room. We couldn't see ANYTHING the night before. This is what our view looked like:
Disclaimer: I edited these the day we got back, but I am posting from John's computer with the unedited copies. Sorry :o(
Also, here are the remnants of our snowball fight that took place right after John asked me to marry him. I totally nailed John in the face with a snowball. It was awesome. Also, snow down your shirt is cold. That isn't so awesome...not that I speak from experience or anything.
This is the front of the lodge. Beautiful!!
Lots of snow! Pretty! And cold and wet...ew
We went out to explore the city and ended up walking around for a couple hours. Here are some of the things we saw:
This last photo will be it for tonight. It's already half past 11 here, and I have been a little under the weather today so it's time for bed. So for your final photo of the night here is John on a "cooowwwww-ch." He decided that was the name for it, and we were laughing about it for quite a bit.
I promise that I will finish this post about Garmisch tomorrow, so stay tuned!
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